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Large-scale reuse: A successful case study of the German reuse system with Circolution Co-Founder Kirils Jegorovs

Kirils Jegorovs

Founder and CEO of Circolution
building a system of reusable packaging scalable to all food segments, channels, and regions.

How can reusable packaging help to reduce plastic waste? How could a system look like in which we buy for example our lentils, yogurts, and coffee in reusable glass jars and return them to be used – again, and again, and again? What are examples of large-scale reusable systems that are already successful today?

You will hear this and much more from Kirils Jegorovs the Co-Founder and Lead Link of Circolution, a System Development company dedicated to building a system of Reusable Packaging scalable to all food segments, starting in Germany. Previously he worked in retail and developed new products for consumer goods companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Hochlande and Nestle. He also helped Mitte – a startup developing a water purification and remineralization device – to make their product circular.

Shownotes and further resources

Mentioned & Further Resources:

Circolution Website: https://www.circolution.com/

Circolution LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/circolution/

Contact at partner@circolution.com

Karma Kollektiv: https://karmakollektiv.berlin/

Unverpackt für Alle: https://www.unverpackt-fuer-alle.de/

The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17910054-the-sixth-extinction

The Bet: Paul Ehrlich, Julian Simon, and Our Gamble over Earth’s Future


Ellen McAuthur Foundation https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/

PFANDGEBEN- https://pfandgeben.de/kontaktlos