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Consumer VS. Corporate Responsibility – is plastic recycling greenwashing?

Marina Schmidt

Founder of Red to Green Solutions, prev. Head of Fightback, a European Platform for health and climate endorsed by the founder of the World Economic Forum and Venture Lead for tech solutions to address cardiovascular disease at FoundersLane. 

Is consumer responsibility sometimes a greenwashing trap? Are we harming our environment by overly focusing on individual responsibility vs. corporate responsibility? According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, #greenwashing can be defined as “expressions of environmentalist concerns especially as a cover for products, policies, or activities.”

In simpler words, greenwashing is used to deceive customers into believing a product, service or action is better for the environment than it actually is.

Our social media lead Myra Bari recently shared a great post on “six sins of greenwashing”, detailed in the episode.

And in this episode I would like to talk to you about a 7th sin we have come across: “Pushing the responsibility on consumers to deflect from corporate responsibility”.

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