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Plastic Bank: giving plastic waste a worth – hor recycling can address poverty with CEO David Katz

David Katz

Founder and CEO of Plastic Bank
a global network of micro recycling markets that empower the poor to transcend poverty by cleaning the environment

Plastic Bank enables people to collect plastic and earn money with it, so they can lift themselves out of poverty. The Plastic Bank is an eco-system that provides an opportunity for the world to collect and trade plastic waste as a currency. For many years western countries shipped plastic waste to China until imports were banned in 2018. This hasn’t stopped, it just shifted. To Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and other countries. Many poor communities near the coastal areas can’t afford proper recycling and the trash ends up in the sea.

According to our interview guest today, David, the issue is that we don’t value plastic. And that is something he is changing with Plastik Bank. Global partners include IBM, Shell Energy, SC Johnson, Aldi, Henkel, and more. You will hear from David Katz, Founder and CEO, Plastic Bank. He is the recipient of the United Nations Lighthouse award for Planetary Health and clearly a powerhouse.

Shownotes and further resources

Mentioned & Further Resources:

David Katz’s LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-katz-4b66178/

Plastic Bank’s LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/plasticbank/

Plastic Bank’s Website- https://plasticbank.com/

David’s email: David@plasticbank.com

Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now – https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6708.The_Power_of_Now

Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth