Season 3:
Making consumers switch from conventional meat to
alternative proteins

Marina Schmidt
Founder of Red to Green Solutions, host of the podcast
Michael Wolf
Founder & CEO, Executive Director The Spoon
#intro #behindthescenes #about
SE3: Promoting Alternative Proteins│Introduction & Red to Green behind the scenes
SE3 on the consumer acceptance of alternative proteins. Find out how to convince the masses of people to eat novel foods. Whether we are talking about plant-based or cultivated alternatives, in essence, we will look into human behavior change: What makes us eat what we eat and what makes us change our mind about that.
#transparency #patents #snackfoods
Cell-cultured meat: building community, safety and brands
How a well-known meal replacement brand leveraged Reddit communities to become the most successful in the world. And how snack foods could be the Trojan horse, convincing people of novel foods they wouldn’t have tried otherwise.
Isha Datar
Executive Director of New Harvest, Directors Fellow at MIT Media Lab.
Chris Bryant
Social Scientist and Animal Advocate. Director of Social Sciences at CAS – Cellular Agriculture Society
Research findings on consumer’s attitudes towards cultured meat with Chris Bryant
Gain a solid overview of insights from academic research on consumer acceptance of cultured meat. If you read through academic papers on this topic it’s hard to overlook today’s guest – Chris Bryant.

History shows that new inventions often face skepticism
Even the invention of the bicycle was controversial amongst the public during it’s 19-year long development process.

And new tech also faces opposition
It took the mechanical loom 50 years to catch on due to the opposition of workers who would lose their jobs.

Food innovations have an especially hard time
The negative press on GMO’s and toxicity of foods has spurred the aversion to tech in food.

We are in the
post-fact era
Facing the rise of fake news, conspiracy theories and a growing mistrust in science and institutions.